Monday, March 30, 2009

Cruciferous Cabbage Can Kill Cancer Cells

Aside from its role in the Cabbage Soup Diet, cabbage also plays an important part in fighting against cancer. Cancer is one of the primary causes of the increasing mortality rate in the world. It affects everyone – the rich and the poor, the young and the old, men, women, and children alike.

Although cancer is mainly hereditary, we can still do ways to avoid it. One of which is consuming cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage.

In the National Cancer Research Conference held recently in Britain, a study was conducted and presented that green leafy vegetables such as cabbage and Brussels sprout contain a certain compound - indole-3-carbinol (I3C) - that can be used to kill cancer cells, most especially when used in combination with the chemotherapy drugs. The indole group of sulfur compounds binds to the chemical carcinogens and stimulates enzymes that will detoxify those carcinogens. The I3C found in cabbages appear to have the effects on estrogen metabolism, helping prevent breast cancer. Such compound is also significant in preventing or retarding cancer of the prostate.

A study was also conducted by the Netherlands Cohort on Diet and Cancer. The study revealed that those eating the most vegetables gained a 25% drop in their colorectal risk. However, those who consumed the most cruciferous vegetables benefited a 49% lower risk for colorectal cancer.

In Singapore, a study found that in non-smokers, regular consumption of cruciferous vegetables reduced lung cancer risk by 30%. Meanwhile, a 69% drop in lung cancer risk was found with the smokers.

A research which was published in the International Journal of Cancer has proven that cabbages, along with other cruciferous vegetables, can also reduce the risk of bladder cancer.

Crucifers' well-known properties in fighting against cancer are thought to have resulted from their great levels of active phytochemicals known as glucosinolates. These phytochemicals are metabolized by our bodies into powerful and rather effective anti-carcinogens known as isothiocyanates.

Studies, both in humans and animals, have consistently shown that diets that are high in cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, are associated with lower occurrence of a variety of cancer.

With the 94 studies that have shown the relationship between Brassica or cruciferous vegetables and cancer, 70% of the studies revealed that cabbage consumption was more associated with a lower risk of cancer, especially of the stomach, colon, and lung.

The protective benefits of cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables were even more evident in three groups typically at higher risk for cancer: smokers, men, and older individuals who aged at least 64. Consuming half of a head of cabbage everyday or very large amounts of other cruciferous vegetables is what it would take for you to have the kind of health risk reduction that you are searching for.

And to get the most benefit and advantage from your cruciferous vegetables, most especially the cabbages, ensure that you choose organically grown vegetables because their phytonutrients levels are primarily higher than those cabbages that are conventionally grown. Lightly steam your cabbages as this method of cooking retains the most phytonutrients and maximizes their availability.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Is Cabbage Soup Diet Perfect for Rapid Weight Loss?

On a winter day or a cold night, a warm pot filled with hot soup is very satisfying. But if you take soup with every meal every day, for the next 7 days, would you be able to take it? If you can, then you will be successful when you decide to go through a Cabbage Soup Diet.

There’s really nothing magical about taking cabbage or making sure that it’s fat-free. The soup in itself doesn’t melt away the fat, but the fact that you have zeroed in on just one type of food and excluded all the others is what will make you lose weight.

Very Popular Diet Plan

The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan is very popular, but it’s puzzling where it originated. Allegedly, they say that it was created in the 90s, and made for patients who are recovering from surgery. In spite of this, authors have not stopped writing about it. One of them is John Blake, author of “The Ultimate Cabbage Soup Diet.”

The cover of his book has 12 green cabbages on its deep-blue background. And if you take a good look inside, you will see that this diet is very simple. It is basically a 7-day menu plan that is build around homemade cabbage soup.

Blake explained the original recipe and even added 2 ethnic variations. An additional bonus is also included – 100 recipes for the fish, chicken, fruits, and vegetables allowed during “free days.”

Basic Principles of the Diet Plan

Before you start with this diet plan (or any other plan for that matter), you are encouraged to consult first with your physician. After doing that, you can now follow a specific 7-day regimen where you can eat anytime and as many as you want. However, you should only choose from a small group of foods.

In essence, the Cabbage Soup plan is a low-calorie diet. You are allowed unlimited cabbage soup, coffee, tea, one glass (8-ounce) of low-fat yogurt or skim milk, and 1 tablespoon of fat-free or low-fat salad dressing every day.

Blake boldly claims that you can lose about 10 pounds in 7 days. In his book he has testimonials from men and women around the world who have had success with the diet plan.

Cabbage Soup Diet = Rapid Weight Loss

“One thing is for sure, people will lose weight following this diet,” this is according to Jackie Berning, a registered dietician and associate biology professor at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. She’s just concerned on how many cabbage soups can a person really eat.

Other reasons to follow this diet plan are the following:

• Diet period will only be one week

• You can eat as many soup as you like and you will never go hungry

• After following this diet, you will definitely lose weight

The Cabbage Soup Diet is perfect for rapid weight loss. Although you need to stop this diet after 7 days, you can definitely restart it again after 2 weeks of waiting. It’s truly a better option compared to any junk food diet out there, and perfect for losing a few pounds before an important occasion.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

After the Cabbage Soup Diet, Now What?

You have probably tried a diet that allowed you to eat cabbage soup for one week but prohibited you from eating bread and drinking carbonated drinks or alcohol. Yes, that’s right. It’s the popular Cabbage Soup Diet.

The promise of this diet dictates that you will lose more than 10 pounds in a week if you follow the food plan and you did not cheat. It is sometimes called “T.J.’s Miracle Diet,” “Dolly Parton Diet,” or “Fat Burning Diet.”

Recycled Diet Plan

This Cabbage Soup Diet is all over the internet, in tabloids, and even in women’s magazines. The authors are unknown, but through the years, copies of this diet have been faxed, photocopied, and transferred from home to office and from friend to stranger.

Sometimes dieticians say that new diet plans today (like Beverly Hills Diet, Fit for Life, Scarsdale Diet, and Grapefruit Diet) all come from the concept of this diet. This is because Cabbage Soup Diet usually comes up every few years, and it is frequently recycled all the time. It’s just like hearing a new version of the same old song.

Ketogenic Diet

New diet plans are recommending high protein and low carbohydrates. According to the book titled “Protein Power,” the authors Drs. Mary Dan and Michael Eads contend that the excess carbohydrates may be killing everyone.

They further said that when you eat too many carbohydrates, it will cause the body to generate plenty of insulin. Then the insulin produced will encourage your body to store the calories as fat. This will result to a range of problems including heart disease and adult diabetes.

But Mary Dundas, a dietitian and assistant professor from University of Tennessee’s family medicine department and the spokeswoman for Tennessee Dietetic Association said that carbohydrates are the body’s preferred energy source. If you eat a diet with no carbohydrates, it can put your body into a ketosis state.

Ketogenic diets such as Cabbage Soup interfere with calcium absorption and may cause kidney problems. However, many say that these type of diets work for them. And according to Dundas, the reason why it still exists is because it actually works (even if only temporarily).

Weight Loss Principles

Dietitians say that your long-term success will depend on your proper eating discipline after a ketogenic diet like Cabbage Soup. In fact, Dundas added that he has seen patients really lose weight and even keep it off.

Based on his experience, the success of your weight loss after your 7-day diet will depend on these principles:

• Follow a well-balanced diet but eat fewer calories from your food everyday.

• Increase your exercise routine and become more active.

• Use behavior modification – this pertains to people who use food as an outlet for their emotions. For example, they tend to overeat when they’re bored, nervous, or angry. This must be avoided.

So if you are looking for a quick way to include plenty of vegetables in your diet, you will find that Cabbage Soup Diet is not a bad choice after all. Just make sure you follow these weight loss principles after going through the diet plan.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Medical Experts Advice on the Cabbage Soup Diet

If you’re interested in dieting, maybe you’ve heard about Cabbage Soup Diet. Different versions of this diet float around the internet and magazines.

Every expert who has tried to promote it made little changes – they either added one feature or replaced an existing ingredient. So aside from cabbage soup, you can also expect a wider range of foods included in the diet.

Cabbage Soup Diet Review

There is really no magical ingredient in the diet that will help you lose weight. The basic idea behind it is filling your stomach with cabbage soup as well as water on the side. When you do this, your hunger will go away and your body will maintain itself by burning the excess fat.

The basic version of Cabbage Soup Diet contains nothing else in the plan but the soup. Today however, recent versions have been sophisticated enough to add brown rice, lean meat, skimmed milk, vegetables, and fruit so that people will be able to stick to it longer.

If you will go on this diet, you will not be allowed to drink alcohol. Aside from the soup, only unsweetened fruit juices and water are allowed to be taken. By itself, the soup is based on mushrooms, carrots, celery, green peppers, tomatoes, onions (onion soup mix can be used too), and of course, the main ingredient is cabbage.

Nutritional Value of Cabbage Soup Diet

Cabbage is an excellent fiber source – it prevents constipation and helps in digestion. It’s also a source of riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and Vitamins C and B6. Since it has low calorie content, it’s perfect for losing weight.

The soup also includes magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and carbohydrates from the onions and peppers. The tomatoes are also rich in lycopene, which is a cancer-fighter.

Medical Experts Advice

Since obesity is an official epidemic, Americans need to follow diet plans. And even though there are 2 out of 3 Americans who are constantly watching their weight or going on a diet, most of them don’t follow the exact guidelines for the weight loss. This is according to a study founded by the Journal of American Medical Association.

So if you want to lose weight, you need to make sure that you take the rules of Cabbage Soup Diet strictly. It is a weeklong diet recommended for those people who need to lose weight drastically. Although, medical experts advise that it should not be continued after 7 days because it may result to sickness or malnourishment.

Nevertheless, the benefits of this diet have far outweighed the criticisms against it. It’s better to eat foods rich in fruits and vegetables everyday rather than consume fast foods or junk foods.

According to Dr. Keith Ayoob, association spokesman from Albert Einstein College (Medicine), other diets without whole grains, vegetables, and fruits do not have enough value to fight cancer. He further added that they are harder to maintain.

Since the food recommendations of Cabbage Soup Diet involves eating fruits and vegetables, then it would be healthy to follow for one week. After that, it is expected that you will continue to have discipline in your eating habits to maintain your weight.